Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Scrapbook Creation

     This particular piece is digital scrapbook page that I created using an Adobe photoshop program. On the page their are pictures of community members of the Holy Trinity Student Parish, some journaling, a title at the top, and other embellishments. The background is green because it is one of the colors that is on their logo. The embellishment in the upper left hand corner is drawing of the Eucharistic bread and wine. In the lower right hand corner is a drawing of the Last Supper. Both of the images relate to Catholicisms and were found on Google images. The title at the top of the page and the logo were taken off the Holy Trinity Student Parish's website in addition to the pictures found on the page.

    I incorporated the genre conventions of a scrapbook to reflect my community in several ways. First of all the pictures show the actually community members and help show a glimpse of what they are like. Another way I used the conventions of a scrapbook page to reflect my community was by the use of embellishments. The embellishments either relate to the community specifically like their logo and the title or they reflect an important aspect of Catholicism. Because my community is Catholic, it is what helps bring the members together. Lastly, the use of journaling helps give a brief statement that tells something about the community.

     The target audience for this piece would probably be either scrapbookers like my mother that  look for layout idea to copy or tweak for their own purposes or members of the community that would like to look back on old memories. Other people that might look at the page might be people that are considering joining the community and would like to see what it is all about without getting in to too much detail.

     The information that I took from my ethnography was from my field notes, but one of the CRJs helped me find some of the things to put on the page. The field notes helped me to write the little journal at the bottom and also helped me to decide what embellishments I should put on the page.  Surprisingly one of my CRJs helped me create this page. Because I had to research the Holy Trinity Parish a little more to do one of the CRJs, I discover their website that had the pictures and embellishments I used for the page.
     Unfortunately for this genre my research and interviews were not included along with a lot of my field notes. The research did not fit with this genre because normally scrapbooks are supposed to be more fun and creative. Because of the things I choice to put on the page, I did not include the interviews I did. Another reason I did not use the interview on this particular piece is because quite simply it did not even occur to me at the time I was creating the piece. The reason that I did not use that much of my field notes was simply because I choose to be more visual and make it more interesting with this piece as opposed to filling the page with text that is simply just not that exciting.

Scrapbook Inspiration

     This piece is a digital scrapbook page. You can tell its digital because the way the embellishments are on a page and the fact that they do not look real. On the page there is jounaling that explains that the pictures were taken for the girl's Myspace. There are five pictures total on the page all of the same girl. The largest picture is mounted on a pink pattern sheet of paper and the other four smaller pictures are framed in by a film strip. At the top of the page is a title that says so photogenic. Overall, the page is embellished fairly simple. It is decorated but not overwhelming.

     I found this piece searching Google Images for scrapbook pages around a day before writing this. I'm not sure who created this particular scrapbook page, but I found it a bit ironic that it was also on blog website. I choice this piece because it was carefully put together and designed well. I also like the fact that it had a good balance between the page not being cluttered with embellishments and the page lacking decoration. The last reason I choice it was because it was a digital piece and would be a good example to create my own digital scrapbook page off of.

     The conventions generally associated with a Scrapbook page are there is at least one photo on the page, the page is decorated in some fashion either with pattern paper embellishments or both, and their 90% of the time is some sort of writing or journaling on the page. Scrapbook pages are very visual and often portray some one's memories or experiences. Just something to keep in mind about scapbooking pages is the pages vary a lot not only depending on who makes the particular by also by what was used to make the page, whether they are digital or done using actual paper, or what is actually being scrapbooked.

     The target audience for this particular piece is probably to any family members that wanted to see a picture of this girl or any scrapbooker that wants inspiration for a page or is looking for a layout to copy or alter for their own purposes. Because this photo was taken off a blog the audience opens up to who ever is reading the blog if it is not for one of the other to guess on the target audience for this piece.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Inspiration Comic

     This particular piece is a Peanuts comic strip about good ol' Charlie Brown. Ironical this particular piece is about religion and the Old Testament. The comic is a classical Peanut Cartoon that features beloved characters such as Snoopy and Charlie Brown. In this Comic Snoopy preforms and act from the Old Testament using puppets. The comic not only has pictures of the characters but also uses dialogue boxes to allow the characters to talk. The comic starting from the upper right hand corner with Snoopy reads Act III/ Have you ever seen the entire Old Testament performed by puppets before?/ No, I can't say that I have./ Perhaps I should warn you about the next scene/ What next scene?/ Splash!/ The parting of the Red Sea.

    I found this particular piece about two days before starting this post. I found it while looking up comic strips on Google images. I originally was just looking for a comic that was a classic. I choice this piece because I have always had a soft spot for Snoopy and the comic was also about religion so it was a good example of an appropriate way to poke fun at an aspect of a religion. I also decided to choice this particular comic because it was a actually funny.

    The conventions of comics are they have pictures that are normally cartoon, are support to be humorous or poke fun at an issue, and thought/dialogue boxes. This particular piece follows the typical conventions of a comic and is considered a classic. Comics vary a lot and have many sub genres the possess more conventions.

    The target audience for this particular piece is very broad and might even be Americans in general because so many adult grew up on the Peanuts comic strips and are still a big fan. Because this would probably be found in a newspaper it opens up the target audience up because a lot of adults read newspapers and at if any section in the newspaper I would assume that the comic section would be the most likely place for a child to go. In not exactly sure if they are famous in other countries or not but if they are it might also be targeted there.

Comic Creation

     This particular piece is a comic poking fun at the misconceptions of the Eucharist and also provides a description of what the Eucharist is. The text is hard to read but starting from the upper left hand corner it reads "The nun said the Eucharist is the Body and blood of Jesus. Are we Cannibals?/ No, we believe that the risen Christ is Present in the Eucharist/ Oh, that makes more sense/ It also means Thanksgiving in Greek. And it is another word for Mass./ Eucharist is the bread and wine too. And it can also refer to the Eucharistic Prayer./ The end!" The comic starts off with a mom and her son Junior and then goes to Junior and the Family dog to random characters telling about the Eucharist. To create this particular piece I used a comic strip creator.

     I incorporated the conventions of a comic strip by including pictures and little word bubbles to help get an idea out. Because Catholics believe that the bread and wine are actually his body and blood, it was easy to turn help explain what was meant, poke fun at what the common misconception, and help explain more about the Eucharist a more interesting way. This incorporated aspects of my community because the Eucharist is very important to Catholics and what they believe in is often misinterpreted.
     The target audience for this particular piece would probably be children leaning about their religion that around the age of 7-14 because they would probably have a difficult time understanding what exactly they believe in, and a comic would help make learning about their religion more fun. However, this comic could also be targeted towards adults with a sense of humor or also religious communities.

      The information I choice to include in this was from my interview with Sister Carmen. I chose to include it in a comic because it was more difficult information to understand and putting it into a comic broke things down and made them easier to understand. Plus I couldn't help but poke fun at the common misconception because it is kind of funny how Catholics in a sense sound like cannibals when they eat the Eucharist at Mass.

     I left out my field notes, research, and other interview because quite frankly there was not much room to get information across and they did not fit in with the information that I decided to put in the comic. The field notes did not have anything at all relevant to the comic and were not a very interesting read. My research would have been closer to fitting in with the comic, but the terms and information about Catholicism would have been a bit dull.  Last but not least the other interview was interesting but not relevant to this particular subject at all. To put it simply the other interview just wouldn't have fit.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crossword Creation

     This particular piece is about Catholicism and is a crossword puzzle. To create this piece I used a Crossword creator. The hints are about terms used in Catholicism and one hint is more specific to my community in general. I am not entirely sure why there is a number 10 across at the bottom without a hint, but I'm almost certain because what I wanted to put in there was too long. Originally number 10's hint was a welcoming place the answer being the Holy Trinity Student Parish. The answers to this puzzle are:
2. catholic
4. Mass
7. Sacristy
8. Wine
9. Eucharist

1. Tabernacle
2. Catholic Church
3. Holy Trinity Chapel
5. Trinity
6. Father

    I incorporated the genre to suit my purposes by making the crossword about Catholicism which is a major aspect of my community. The answer to the puzzle are terms often associated with Catholicism or have a deeper meaning for Catholics and includes one answer specific to my community. I chose to incorporate research into this particular genre because I thought that it would be a good way to present my research without making it boring.

    The target audience for this piece would probably be someone that either wanted to determine important basic terms about Catholicism to look up or someone that is being educated about Catholicism. I could see this piece being used somewhere like a youth group because it should be fairly simple for most Catholics besides for question three which was fairly specific. This could also be target towards someone who likes crosswords and is a member of the Holy Trinity Student Parish.

     To create this particular piece I used information from my research, my field notes more specifically from asking people in the community about specific things, and from my interview with Sister Carmen. I choice to include these  in the making of the piece because they were the easiest to incorporate into a crossword and would probably relate to a wider variety of people. The research on terms was fairly easy to include in a crossword because I only hand to put the definition as a hint. To make the crossword long enough, I had to put in additional information and they were perhaps the next simplest thing to include. The interview with Sister Carmen also included asking about specific thinks like the Eucharist so it was more informative information about Catholicism. Lastly in my field notes I asked a few questions about what certain thing related to Catholicism were called. This is the part of my field notes I put into the crossword because they were on a more general topic.

     I left out one of the interview from this particular piece because it would have been very difficult for anyone who had not read the interview to fill in the blanks and doing a crossword on the interview describing what it is like to be a member of a community would have been hard to phrase. The interview with John was more of a descriptive about what the community was like from an insider's prospective and did not fit in with the topic of the crossword.

Crossword Inspiration

This particular piece is a crossword puzzle. The crossword is a bit difficult to read in the picture but the across row starts out 1. A very long race/ 3. Where many games take place/ 6. This holds the flame. The entire puzzle relates to different things associated with the Olympics. An easier to read version of this crossword puzzle can be found at Enchanted Leaning's website in addition to all the answers to the puzzle. This puzzle includes both hints to fill in words that go both across and down and in total has thirty-five hints.
I found this particular piece searching through Bing images shortly before starting to make this post. I was looking for a fairly simple crossword that was not overly complicated and was educational. I ended up choosing this particular piece off the Enchanted Learning because it is a good example of what a crossword should look like and is not very complicated.
The conventions typical associated with crossword puzzles are they go two ways across and down, they give hints as to what word should go in the boxes, what the hint describes and has the same amount of letters a number of boxes for that particular hint. Overall, there is not much to cross word puzzles, but sometimes they can be quite difficult. This particular piece follows the typical conventions of crossword puzzles. However, I'm not exactly sure how crossword puzzles conventions can be altered because they are fairly broad on topic range and specific as to how a crossword should look.

The target audience for this particular piece is most likely teachers or students learning about the Olympics. Because this particular piece is on a learning website, the target audience is narrowed down significantly. This particular piece gives simple terms and facts about the Olympics; therefore, the audience is also probable for a younger audience and certainly not a college student writing a research paper. In contrast from crosswords that are more difficult and more complicated would be for a more intelligent/mature audience.

Article Creation

Holy Trinity Student Parish a Great Place to Be
The Holy Trinity Student Parish is located on Forest road near the Eastern Michigan University campus. After much observation, I discovered that the community is a very unique place. Entering the building, I discovered it is a very pleasant place to be. To learn more about the community and gain an insider's view I interviewed John Hoffman, the night greeter at the parish. The interview took place at the parish on October 19, 2011. During the interview I asked question about the community and more personal questions about how he became a member.
The interview got personal during the first question of the interview when the question led to the topic that he was taken in by a priest in Columbia when he was a young boy which is part of the reason he likes how the church provides things like worldwide aid, helps charities for poverty, and how in a spiritual sense the church will take in people in with problems like drug addictions out of love. John had only been a member of that parish for a short amount of time after applying for a job there. Previously, he had been a member of the St. Johns.
When i asked him "What do you like least about your job?"
He replied  "In general that people do not know about its environment. A lot of the time people don’t come in on the week days, so there is no one to greet."
However, John had many more positive things to say about his community. When asked what made the Holy Trinity Student Parish different from other communities he responded by saying
"As opposed to other religious communities it is a student parish and therefore oriented towards the student body. There are areas just to hang out and food for students to eat. "Another astounding thing he had to say about his community was that his community welcomes everyone. He later went on to describe how that even his Atheist friends or friends of other religions were even welcome to the Agape lunches after mass. According to John "in some ways we exhibit the true spirit of Christ." How welcoming the community helps explain the diversity in the community members for such a little parish.
Later in the interview, John went on to say that their community does not have too many issues and that most of them are organizational. Their problems are solved by confronting one another and discussing went wrong. Overall there are two leaders of the community Father Philip and Father Joseph.
To find out how John felt personally about his community I asked him if he considered his community to be more of a family or a community.
He responded by saying “I consider it to be more of a community but in a sense a family. If I ever need help or someone to talk to I would come here, and I know that help would be provided."
I found that I had been a witness to many positive things that John has said. The first time I entered the building I was welcomed despite not being Catholic. Overall, the Holy Trinity Student Parish is a uniquely welcoming place and is worth checking out.

      The article I wrote is about the Holy Trinity Student Parish. The article gives background information on the community like where it is located. After the background information I incorporated parts of my interview with John to help give a better description of the community.
The interview highlights many positive aspects of the community like how welcoming it is and also gives a true sense of what is like to be a member.
      I incorporated the conventions of the article genre to suit my own purposes by giving the
background information about my community and the who, what, when, where, and why of the Holy Trinity Student Parish. By incorporating my interview, there was more of a sense of what it is like to be a member. I did not tweak this particular genre because it worked very well to share the information I wanted it to.
     The target audience was similar to that of my inspiration piece. Like my inspiration piece my article was also targeted towards a younger audience because it is posted on a blog but also has a more general target audience because the article discusses how the community is welcoming. Although the main target of this article is the younger generation. It may also target other people in the area that are looking for a place to worship. 
      The information that was included in this piece was from my field notes and from my interview. I incorporated some of my field notes by using the information that was contained in them to help provide background information about the community in the article . The interview I used was the one with John. I incorporated the interview by turning the article into an interview article. I chose to put these things into my piece because both were easy to incorporate into an article and the field notes and the interview were more interesting and helped to provide a more personal idea of what the community is like.
      The information I did not include in the article was my research and a different interview I did with Sister Carmen. I chose not to include them because they were not as interesting to write about in an article and did not help provide a glimpse into the Holy Trinity Student Parish community in particular. Both the other interview and my research were more generally about Catholicism.

Article Inspiration

     The article is titled "Justin Beiber Speaks Out on Baby Drama, Accuser." The full article can be found at ABC's website. The article is about just what the title implies. The article is about Justin Bieber and his teams response to him being accused of being the father of a child. In the article it tells about the background information to catch up readers on whats going on, gives Justin's personal response to the accusations and his teams response both of which denied that he is the actual father of the baby. The article takes direct quotes from both Justin Bebier and his team in addition to quoting directly from text messages sent by the accused, Mariah Yeater.

     I found this article by searching the interent on Bing for articles. I did not have any particular article in mind. Overall this piece is an online article, but more specifically it is an interview with. I decided to pick it because it is an interesting article and kind of funny that someone is trying to say that Justin Beieber is the father of their child. I also thought an article with an interview would be a good way to incorporate my interview into a genre. I found this article on November, 20 around 7 O'clock.

     Articles can be a fairly flexible genre because the authors writing style, and way the article sound and is written written is varied by the way the author writes. However, the conventions associated with articles are generally they are about a specific subject and include information about a particular event including the who, what, when, where, and why. Interview article more specifically generally paraphrase what the interviewee says to condense the conversation, will include direct quotes for what cannot be summed up, and are normally used to get opinions or the point of view of the person being interviewed. This particular author stuck to the typical conventions probably because he did not have a reason to alter them and most writers want to put important information in their article.

     The targeted audience for this piece was probably more so preteens/teenagers or Justin Bebier's fans. Most adults probably do have more important news articles to read about and do not want to read about Justin Bebier unless it is to ensure that he is appropriate for their kids to be watching. Also, more teenagers are on the Iinternet looking for a way to kill time which probably increase the likely hood of them reading online gossip about stars. In addition, I would assume more of the younger generation would be online looking for news as opposed to older people that are use to getting most of their information from either newspapers or news broadcasts on television.

Commercial Creation

     This particular piece I created is a commercial for the Holy Trinity Student Parish. It is filled with several pictures of the outside and inside of the building. The commercial also includes narration and text stating or paraphrasing what the narration says. The text in the commercial reads: Holy Trinity Student Parish/ Located behind Still hall on Forest Road/ A place to worship...../A place to build a strong community..../A place for people that truly care..../With tables of food/Areas to do homework/ Television, games, books, and a computer with Internet and a printer/Meals after mass/ The Holy Trinity Student Parish You are welcome.

     I incorporated the conventions of the genre by putting pictures of parish and adding animation which a lot of nonprofessional commercials do. I also included narration which around 99% of commercials add to help get their message across. The last thing I did was add supplemental text . For the most part I stuck to the conventions of a commercial. However, it might seem different from most commercials on television or YouTube because most of them are professionally made and include video.

    The target audience for this piece is students or other people around the Ypsilanti area. It targets students by telling them the benefits that the Holy Trinity Student Parish has to offer. For example, it emphasizes that there were tables of food for students and other things like a television and a computer. On the other hand, other things like the masses might be appealing to people in the area searching for a place to worship.
    One of things I incorporated in the commercial was my field notes. I incorporated my field notes on the building in order to include thing like the location, what the parish had to offer and what the community was all about. I included them because they best described the community.

    The research and interviews I did were not included in this particular piece. The way I chose to structure the commercial the interviews with John and Sister Carmen did not fit because they were not about specifically wanted to talk about.  I guess John's interview could be considered to be some what in the commercial because he did talk about how the parish was oriented towards students but the other information was not very relevant to the commercials message and I also realized that the parish was oriented to students just by observation. The research I did was left out of this particular genre because I did research on the more general subject of Catholicism. The research would have not necessarily made the parish itself seem appealing but would be more informative about Catholicism.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Commcercail Inspiration

     This particular piece is Chrysler's Superbowl commercial for the Chrysler 200 that first aired during 2011. The video is filmed in Detroit and shows the Chrystel 200 passing various things associated with Detroit like the giant fist of Joe Louis and the Fox theater. In the background of the video is Eminem's song "Loose Yourself." He was most likely chosen for this commercial because Eminem himself is from Detroit. The narrator of the commercial questions what Detroit knows about luxury and then explains how Detroit know more than most. Overall, the commercial was meant to give a positive image about Detroit and sell the Chrysler 200. The slogan at the of the commercial is imported from Detroit

     With millions of different commercials out there, I could not think of one in particular I liked enough to pick. I found this piece, the Chrysler 200 Superbowl commercial, on YouTube by looking up "commercials." It was one of the first on the page. I found the commercial shortly before I started to write this post Before deciding on a commercial I watch several on the first page of YouTube before deciding. I eventually choose this particular commercial because it is a highly successful commercial. Superbowl commercials are better than the average commercail, and it is one of my favorite car commercials.

     The conventions generally associated with commercials are having video or various images, music, dialogue and or narration, something that stands about about the commercial like a character or catch phrase, and commercials are generally thirty seconds to a whole minute. The conventions that this piece altered was the average length. The commercial was two minutes long which is a large statement considering advertising during the Superbowl cost around 2.5 million for thirty second of air time.

    The target audience for the commercial is males around the age of fifteen to late forties who like luxurious cars. However, the message about Detroit was more generally targeted to people who doubt Detroit because they Chrysler wants to prove them wrong.  The commercial's genre target audience normally varies depending on when and and where the channel is airing.  Cars are generally associated with males, and the commercial first aired during the supper bowl which makes it targeted to males.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Poetry Creation

     This piece is a haiku poem that I wrote about the Holy Trinity Student Parish. The picture that the poem is on is a picture I took for the second long essay and is a picture of the outside of the parish. The picture was taken at a particular time of day and includes sun spots that helped give the picture a spiritual sense. The poem reads "Many diverse folk/ Welcoming community; Live Charitable." The poem and the picture both hopefully invoke a favorable image of the community.

     I altered the genre to fit my own purposes by making it about my community. Most haikus are written about nature referring to the universe and things like flowers, but instead I decided to take a play on the word and write about the nature of my community. However, I did not change the structure of the poem. I incorporated the format of the poem by making it three lines, unrhymed, and seventeen syllables all together (five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in third line). All three lines of the poem describe a different aspect of my community.

     The targeted audience is anyone that either likes reading haikus, or someone that would like to have a very brief description of the Holy Trinity Student Parish summed up in just seventeen syllables. As discussed before haikus are simple to understand which makes allows them to target a large variety of people. However, this particular piece would probably be more specifically targed towards religious people or anyone that happens to come across this blog.

     I incorporated aspects of my community by including the three things that probably stuck out most to me during my observations and recording of field notes which were the diversity in the community, how welcoming they were, and how the members of the community were very charitable. I included this information because I think it was probably the best way to describe the nature of the community and did not have many words to describe it in. In this piece I also included a picture of the parish that was part of the second long essay submission packet.

     With the length of haiku poetry there were many things I had to exclude. Overall, I had to exclude my research, my interviews, and the majority of my field notes. I chose to exclude them because they did not fit in very well with particular genre and they contained too much information to put into a mere seventeen syllables. Although there were many things excluded, I am happy with the how this particular genre helped portray the parish community. 

Poetry Inspiration

     Overall, this piece does not have too much to it. The piece is a haiku poem about a cherry blossom, and it is also typed on top of a picture of a cherry blossom that has a butterfly in the lower right hand corner. At the top of the piece is what I'm assuming this the Japanese version of the poem considering many haiku are originally written in Japanese and translated into English. As seen in the lower left hand corner, the poem is by Shirao and is more than likely put on top of the picture by Maiylah guessing from the copyright symbol. The poem reads "Yearning fills my heart/ When the candles lit; Cherry blossom fall." The author of the poem is really good about getting their emotions across and establishing a mental image.

      I was looking for some form of poem but could not decide what type to pick. I eventual decided to look for a haiku after my friend started talking about how she had to write a haiku poem for her English class. I discovered this particular piece while searching for haiku poems on Bing's image search. This poem creates a nice image of the spring time which is a happy thought as winter is starting to approach. I choose this particular piece because it was visually appealing, and it brought forth a very pleasant image while I was reading it.

     Haikus are poems that are simple to write. The conventions generally associated with haiku poems are it is short three lined unrhymed poem. The first and third line have five syllables, and the second line of the poem has seven syllables. All together there should be 17 syllables which is short compared to most poems. Another conventions is a juxtapose between two images. Many hiakus are written about nature; although, they are not required to be. Haiku poems do not have to include a picture, but many people incorporate one in some way.

     The target audience of haiku is rather large audience. Unlike most poems, they are less complex and easier to understand which broadens the audience ranging from children to adults. In addition because of its simplicity, I think more people that do not typically enjoy poetry can appreciate them. Although it is a Japanese form of poetry, it is a popular form of poetry in many countries around the world.