Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Scrapbook Creation

     This particular piece is digital scrapbook page that I created using an Adobe photoshop program. On the page their are pictures of community members of the Holy Trinity Student Parish, some journaling, a title at the top, and other embellishments. The background is green because it is one of the colors that is on their logo. The embellishment in the upper left hand corner is drawing of the Eucharistic bread and wine. In the lower right hand corner is a drawing of the Last Supper. Both of the images relate to Catholicisms and were found on Google images. The title at the top of the page and the logo were taken off the Holy Trinity Student Parish's website in addition to the pictures found on the page.

    I incorporated the genre conventions of a scrapbook to reflect my community in several ways. First of all the pictures show the actually community members and help show a glimpse of what they are like. Another way I used the conventions of a scrapbook page to reflect my community was by the use of embellishments. The embellishments either relate to the community specifically like their logo and the title or they reflect an important aspect of Catholicism. Because my community is Catholic, it is what helps bring the members together. Lastly, the use of journaling helps give a brief statement that tells something about the community.

     The target audience for this piece would probably be either scrapbookers like my mother that  look for layout idea to copy or tweak for their own purposes or members of the community that would like to look back on old memories. Other people that might look at the page might be people that are considering joining the community and would like to see what it is all about without getting in to too much detail.

     The information that I took from my ethnography was from my field notes, but one of the CRJs helped me find some of the things to put on the page. The field notes helped me to write the little journal at the bottom and also helped me to decide what embellishments I should put on the page.  Surprisingly one of my CRJs helped me create this page. Because I had to research the Holy Trinity Parish a little more to do one of the CRJs, I discover their website that had the pictures and embellishments I used for the page.
     Unfortunately for this genre my research and interviews were not included along with a lot of my field notes. The research did not fit with this genre because normally scrapbooks are supposed to be more fun and creative. Because of the things I choice to put on the page, I did not include the interviews I did. Another reason I did not use the interview on this particular piece is because quite simply it did not even occur to me at the time I was creating the piece. The reason that I did not use that much of my field notes was simply because I choose to be more visual and make it more interesting with this piece as opposed to filling the page with text that is simply just not that exciting.

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