Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crossword Creation

     This particular piece is about Catholicism and is a crossword puzzle. To create this piece I used a Crossword creator. The hints are about terms used in Catholicism and one hint is more specific to my community in general. I am not entirely sure why there is a number 10 across at the bottom without a hint, but I'm almost certain because what I wanted to put in there was too long. Originally number 10's hint was a welcoming place the answer being the Holy Trinity Student Parish. The answers to this puzzle are:
2. catholic
4. Mass
7. Sacristy
8. Wine
9. Eucharist

1. Tabernacle
2. Catholic Church
3. Holy Trinity Chapel
5. Trinity
6. Father

    I incorporated the genre to suit my purposes by making the crossword about Catholicism which is a major aspect of my community. The answer to the puzzle are terms often associated with Catholicism or have a deeper meaning for Catholics and includes one answer specific to my community. I chose to incorporate research into this particular genre because I thought that it would be a good way to present my research without making it boring.

    The target audience for this piece would probably be someone that either wanted to determine important basic terms about Catholicism to look up or someone that is being educated about Catholicism. I could see this piece being used somewhere like a youth group because it should be fairly simple for most Catholics besides for question three which was fairly specific. This could also be target towards someone who likes crosswords and is a member of the Holy Trinity Student Parish.

     To create this particular piece I used information from my research, my field notes more specifically from asking people in the community about specific things, and from my interview with Sister Carmen. I choice to include these  in the making of the piece because they were the easiest to incorporate into a crossword and would probably relate to a wider variety of people. The research on terms was fairly easy to include in a crossword because I only hand to put the definition as a hint. To make the crossword long enough, I had to put in additional information and they were perhaps the next simplest thing to include. The interview with Sister Carmen also included asking about specific thinks like the Eucharist so it was more informative information about Catholicism. Lastly in my field notes I asked a few questions about what certain thing related to Catholicism were called. This is the part of my field notes I put into the crossword because they were on a more general topic.

     I left out one of the interview from this particular piece because it would have been very difficult for anyone who had not read the interview to fill in the blanks and doing a crossword on the interview describing what it is like to be a member of a community would have been hard to phrase. The interview with John was more of a descriptive about what the community was like from an insider's prospective and did not fit in with the topic of the crossword.

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