Sunday, November 27, 2011

Article Inspiration

     The article is titled "Justin Beiber Speaks Out on Baby Drama, Accuser." The full article can be found at ABC's website. The article is about just what the title implies. The article is about Justin Bieber and his teams response to him being accused of being the father of a child. In the article it tells about the background information to catch up readers on whats going on, gives Justin's personal response to the accusations and his teams response both of which denied that he is the actual father of the baby. The article takes direct quotes from both Justin Bebier and his team in addition to quoting directly from text messages sent by the accused, Mariah Yeater.

     I found this article by searching the interent on Bing for articles. I did not have any particular article in mind. Overall this piece is an online article, but more specifically it is an interview with. I decided to pick it because it is an interesting article and kind of funny that someone is trying to say that Justin Beieber is the father of their child. I also thought an article with an interview would be a good way to incorporate my interview into a genre. I found this article on November, 20 around 7 O'clock.

     Articles can be a fairly flexible genre because the authors writing style, and way the article sound and is written written is varied by the way the author writes. However, the conventions associated with articles are generally they are about a specific subject and include information about a particular event including the who, what, when, where, and why. Interview article more specifically generally paraphrase what the interviewee says to condense the conversation, will include direct quotes for what cannot be summed up, and are normally used to get opinions or the point of view of the person being interviewed. This particular author stuck to the typical conventions probably because he did not have a reason to alter them and most writers want to put important information in their article.

     The targeted audience for this piece was probably more so preteens/teenagers or Justin Bebier's fans. Most adults probably do have more important news articles to read about and do not want to read about Justin Bebier unless it is to ensure that he is appropriate for their kids to be watching. Also, more teenagers are on the Iinternet looking for a way to kill time which probably increase the likely hood of them reading online gossip about stars. In addition, I would assume more of the younger generation would be online looking for news as opposed to older people that are use to getting most of their information from either newspapers or news broadcasts on television.

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