Sunday, November 20, 2011

Commcercail Inspiration

     This particular piece is Chrysler's Superbowl commercial for the Chrysler 200 that first aired during 2011. The video is filmed in Detroit and shows the Chrystel 200 passing various things associated with Detroit like the giant fist of Joe Louis and the Fox theater. In the background of the video is Eminem's song "Loose Yourself." He was most likely chosen for this commercial because Eminem himself is from Detroit. The narrator of the commercial questions what Detroit knows about luxury and then explains how Detroit know more than most. Overall, the commercial was meant to give a positive image about Detroit and sell the Chrysler 200. The slogan at the of the commercial is imported from Detroit

     With millions of different commercials out there, I could not think of one in particular I liked enough to pick. I found this piece, the Chrysler 200 Superbowl commercial, on YouTube by looking up "commercials." It was one of the first on the page. I found the commercial shortly before I started to write this post Before deciding on a commercial I watch several on the first page of YouTube before deciding. I eventually choose this particular commercial because it is a highly successful commercial. Superbowl commercials are better than the average commercail, and it is one of my favorite car commercials.

     The conventions generally associated with commercials are having video or various images, music, dialogue and or narration, something that stands about about the commercial like a character or catch phrase, and commercials are generally thirty seconds to a whole minute. The conventions that this piece altered was the average length. The commercial was two minutes long which is a large statement considering advertising during the Superbowl cost around 2.5 million for thirty second of air time.

    The target audience for the commercial is males around the age of fifteen to late forties who like luxurious cars. However, the message about Detroit was more generally targeted to people who doubt Detroit because they Chrysler wants to prove them wrong.  The commercial's genre target audience normally varies depending on when and and where the channel is airing.  Cars are generally associated with males, and the commercial first aired during the supper bowl which makes it targeted to males.

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