Monday, November 28, 2011

Comic Creation

     This particular piece is a comic poking fun at the misconceptions of the Eucharist and also provides a description of what the Eucharist is. The text is hard to read but starting from the upper left hand corner it reads "The nun said the Eucharist is the Body and blood of Jesus. Are we Cannibals?/ No, we believe that the risen Christ is Present in the Eucharist/ Oh, that makes more sense/ It also means Thanksgiving in Greek. And it is another word for Mass./ Eucharist is the bread and wine too. And it can also refer to the Eucharistic Prayer./ The end!" The comic starts off with a mom and her son Junior and then goes to Junior and the Family dog to random characters telling about the Eucharist. To create this particular piece I used a comic strip creator.

     I incorporated the conventions of a comic strip by including pictures and little word bubbles to help get an idea out. Because Catholics believe that the bread and wine are actually his body and blood, it was easy to turn help explain what was meant, poke fun at what the common misconception, and help explain more about the Eucharist a more interesting way. This incorporated aspects of my community because the Eucharist is very important to Catholics and what they believe in is often misinterpreted.
     The target audience for this particular piece would probably be children leaning about their religion that around the age of 7-14 because they would probably have a difficult time understanding what exactly they believe in, and a comic would help make learning about their religion more fun. However, this comic could also be targeted towards adults with a sense of humor or also religious communities.

      The information I choice to include in this was from my interview with Sister Carmen. I chose to include it in a comic because it was more difficult information to understand and putting it into a comic broke things down and made them easier to understand. Plus I couldn't help but poke fun at the common misconception because it is kind of funny how Catholics in a sense sound like cannibals when they eat the Eucharist at Mass.

     I left out my field notes, research, and other interview because quite frankly there was not much room to get information across and they did not fit in with the information that I decided to put in the comic. The field notes did not have anything at all relevant to the comic and were not a very interesting read. My research would have been closer to fitting in with the comic, but the terms and information about Catholicism would have been a bit dull.  Last but not least the other interview was interesting but not relevant to this particular subject at all. To put it simply the other interview just wouldn't have fit.

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